Pavel Podvig
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Op-eds and columns
Pavel Podvig, "Quieting the Nuclear Rattle: Responding to Russia's Tactical Nuclear Weapons Exercises," European Leadership Network, May 29, 2024....
«Атмосфера была послевоенная. Несмотря на это, на создание ядерного и термоядерного оружия были брошены заметные ресурсы, это была одна из приоритетных советских военных программ»: интервью с Павлом Подвигом," ПИР-Центр, 12 августа 2023
Pavel Podvig, "A Russian Nuclear Strike on Ukraine Is Not a Threat - At Least Not Yet," The Moscow Times, October 18, 2022.
Pavel Podvig, "The Biden-Putin Summit from the Eyes of a Geneva Local," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, June 17, 2021
Pavel Podvig, "Who lost the INF Treaty?", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 26 October 2018...
Павел Подвиг, "Условие сдерживания. Сможет ли американская ПРО обесценить ядерный потенциал России", N+1 (, 10 May 2018...
Pavel Podvig, "Is a return to INF Treaty compliance possible?" Kommersant, 12 August 2017 (in Russian: Павел Подвиг, "Возможен ли возврат к соблюдению Договора о РСМД?" Коммерсантъ, 12 августа 2017 г.)
Pavel Podvig, "The price of the question (First Putin-Trump meeting and the INF Treaty), Kommersant, 7 July 2017 (in Russian: Павел Подвиг, "Цена вопроса," Газета "Коммерсантъ," 7 июля 2017 г.)
Pavel Podvig, "Can the US-Russia plutonium disposition agreement be saved?", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 28 April 2016...
Pavel Podvig, "Sorting fact from fiction on Russian missile claims," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 22 June 2015
Pavel Podvig, "What to do about Russian belligerence," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 16 January 2015
Pavel Podvig, "How fissile material falls through the cracks," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 7 July 2014
Pavel Podvig, "What the Crimea crisis will do to US-Russia relations," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 27 March 2014
Pavel Podvig, "No such thing as a safe nuclear arsenal," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 14 January 2014
Pavel Podvig, "Unexpected dangers," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 7 October 2013
Pavel Podvig, "A case for unilateral US nuclear warhead reductions," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, July 1, 2013
Pavel Podvig, "The myth of strategic stability," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, 31 October 2012
Pavel Podvig, "Point of distraction," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, 1 June 2012.
Pavel Podvig, "Toward a better Nuclear Security Summit," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, February 22, 2012
Pavel Podvig, "Toward the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit," The Korea Herald, January 15, 2012
Pavel Podvig, "Nuclear disarmament after New START," RUFS Briefing No. 7, RUFS Project, FOI, Stockholm, January 2011
Pavel Podvig, "Offense and defense after New START," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, 6 January 2011
Pavel Podvig, "NATO and the future of missile defense in Europe," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, 28 October 2010
Pavel Podvig, "New START Treaty and Beyond," Physics and Society, Vol. 93, No. 3, July 2010, pp. 12-15
Pavel Podvig, "Assessing START follow-on", The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, March 29, 2010
Pavel Podvig, "What to do about tactical nuclear weapons," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, 25 February 2010
Pavel Podvig, "Russia does not need nuclear weapons for its security ," Vremya Novostey, No. 219, 29 November 2009 (in Russian)
Pavel Podvig, "The false promise of missile defense", The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, September 14, 2009
Pavel Podvig, "What’s next for START follow-on?" Observatoire de la non-prolifération, Centre d’Etudes de Sécurité Internationale et de Maîtrise des armements, No. 40, JUILLET/AOÛT 2009
Pavel Podvig, "The Moscow summit: A positive first step," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, 22 July 2009
Pavel Podvig, "What if North Korea were the only nuclear weapon state?", The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, May 27, 2009
Pavel Podvig, "Reaction to the Obama-Medvedev joint statement on arms control," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, April 3, 2009
Pavel Podvig, "Broadening the disarmament agenda through START", The Bulletin Online, 4 March 2009
Pavel Podvig, "Russia's new arms development", The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, January 16, 2009
Pavel Podvig, "Formulating the next U.S.-Russian arms control agreement", The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, December 18, 2008
Pavel Podvig, "Barack Obama's missile defense challenge", The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, November 11, 2008
Pavel Podvig, "A silver lining to the U.S.-India nuclear deal", The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, October 14, 2008
Pavel Podvig , "U.S.-Russian relations after the conflict in Georgia", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, August 25, 2008
Pavel Podvig, "The fallacy of the Megatons to Megawatts program", The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, July 23, 2008
Pavel Podvig, "The push for a new arms control agreement with Russia is ill-conceived," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, June 3, 2008
Pavel Podvig, "Don't block U.S.-Russian nuclear cooperation," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, May 22, 2008
Pavel Podvig, “The realities of nuclear fuel supply guarantees”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, April 18, 2008
Pavel Podvig, "The U.S. satellite shootdown: An unnecessary action", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, February 29, 2008
Pavel Podvig, “The truth about Russia's military ‘resurgence’”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, January 29, 2008
Pavel Podvig, “How Russia's nuclear fuel delivery to Iran benefits nonproliferation”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, December 20, 2007
Pavel Podvig, "U.S. nuclear weapons security--a 'silly' notion", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, November 12, 2007
Pavel Podvig, “Russia and nuclear disarmament”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, October 17, 2007
Vladimir Dvorkin, George Lewis, Pavel Podvig, Theodore Postol , "Missile Defense in Europe: Dangers and Opportunities", Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozreniye (Independent Military Review), September 28, 2007
Pavel Podvig, “U.S. loose nukes”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, September 13, 2007
Pavel Podvig, “How to make U.S.-Russian relations meaningful”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, August 15, 2007
Pavel Podvig, “Why START is important”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, July 3, 2007
Pavel Podvig, “The U.S. and Russia's ‘ludicrous’ missile defense rhetoric”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, May 23, 2007
Pavel Podvig, “Boris Yeltsin's arms control legacy”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, April 30, 2007
Pavel Podvig, “A U.S.-Russian missile defense cooperative?”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, April 24, 2007
Pavel Podvig, “Behind Russia and Iran's Nuclear Reactor Dispute”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, March 26, 2007
Pavel Podvig, “Missile defense: The Russian reaction”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, February 26, 2007
Pavel Podvig, “Life after START”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, January 9, 2007
Pavel Podvig, How to Secure "Loose Nukes", MIT Press web site, October 2004
Pavel Podvig, "Labyrinths of Missile Defense Cooperation," Izvestia, 24 June 2003 (in Russian)
Anatoly Diakov, Eugene Miasnikov, Timur Kadyshev, Pavel Podvig, "Ratifitsirovat nelzya otklonit. Chto delat s Dogovorom o strategicheskikh nastupatelnykh potentsialakh Rossii i SShA? (Ratify or Reject. What to Do with the SORT Treaty", Nezavisimoye voyennoe obozrenie, 20 September 2002, p. 1 (in Russian)
Robert Nelson, Pavel Podvig, "Miniatyurnyye yadernyye mify (Miniature nuclear myths)", Izvestia, 24 April 2002, p. 4
Anatoly Diakov, Timur Kadyshev, Eugene Miasnikov, Pavel Podvig, “Needless Obligations. Why Does Russia Want A Treaty With No Substance?”, Izvestia, March 18, 2002, p. 4 (in Russian)
Pavel Podvig and Frank von Hippel, “Take Russia’s ‘Yes’ for an Answer: Bush and Putin can eliminate unneeded nuclear arsenals”, NYU Global Beat Syndicate, March 18, 2002
Pavel Podvig, “Russia should be careful what it wishes for”,, February 20, 2002 (in Russian)
Pavel Podvig, “The treaty is broken”,, December 13, 2001 (in Russian)
Pavel Podvig, “Ending the Cold War Once and For All”, NYU Global Beat Syndicate, November 15, 2001
Pavel Podvig, “For Russia, little loss, little gain,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November/December 2001, pp. 23–25
Pavel Podvig, “What will happen with the ABM Treaty in November”, Izvestiya, October 28, 2001 (in Russian)
Pavel Podvig, “Rumsfeld supports the ABM Treaty-to break out of it”,, October 26, 2001 (in Russian)
Pavel Podvig, “Illusions of the treaty”, Izvestiya, July 25, 2001 (in Russian)
Pavel Podvig, “Russia agrees to modify the ABM Treaty”,, July 23, 2001 (in Russian)
Pavel Podvig, “The ABM Treaty will be cut off by small pieces”,, July 13, 2001 (in Russian)
Pavel Podvig, “Russia is interested in dialogue, not in empty consultations”, Center for Arms Control Studies START Site, May 17, 2001 (in Russian)
Pavel Podvig, “Calculations and miscalculations: Russia should reconsider its policy on missile defense”, Nezavisimoye Voennoye Obozreniye, No. 16 (238), 11 May 2001, p. 5 (in Russian)
Pavel Podvig, “Comment on President Bush address at the National Defense University”, START Site, May 5, 2001
Pavel Podvig, “There will be no dialogue on missile defense”,, May 5, 2001 (in Russian)
Paul Podvig, “Missile Defense Complicates U.S.-Russian Relations”, ECAAR Newsletter, Vol. 11, No. 3, November 2000, p. 1
Interview with Pavel Podvig, “We reached a deadlock”, Kommersant-Daily, April 14, 2000, p. 3 (in Russian)
Pavel Podvig, “Ratification of START II Will Not Change Anything”, Nezavisimoye Voennoye Obozreniye, No. 3 (176), January 28, 2000, p. 1. (in Russian)
Anatoly Diakov, Pavel Podvig, “A Way Out of Deadlock”, Nezavisimoye Voennoye Obozreniye, No. 25, July 2, 1999, p.1 (in Russian)
Anatoly Diakov, Pavel Podvig, “Speaking of Irresponsibility”, START-Site, March 24, 1999 (in Russian)
Anatoly Diakov, George Lewis, Pavel Podvig, Theodore Postol, “The End of the ABM Treaty?”, Nezavisimoye Voennoye Obozreniye, No. 37, 3 October 1997, p.1 (in Russian)
Vladimir Belous, Pavel Podvig, “How to Save the ABM Treaty”, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 11 July 1996
Vladimir Belous, Pavel Podvig, “Russia Should Take a Firm Stand on ABM”, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 24 October 1995, p. 5
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Quieting the Nuclear Rattle
ПИР-Центр: Интервью с Павлом Подвигом
A Russian Nuclear Strike on Ukraine Is Not a Threat - At Least Not Yet
The Biden-Putin Summit from the Eyes of a Geneva Local
Who lost the INF Treaty?
Conditions of deterrence (in Russian)
Is a return to INF Treaty compliance possible?
First Putin-Trump meeting and the INF Treaty
Can the US-Russia plutonium disposition agreement be saved?
Sorting fact from fiction on Russian missile claims
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