On October 25, 2023 Russian armed forces conducted an exercise of strategic forces. This is an annual exercise that is traditionally held in the fall (one exception was the 2021 exercise that was moved to February 2022). As in previous years, the exercise tested procedures of "a massive nuclear strike in response to a nuclear strike by an adversary."
The 2023 scenario repeated the one from previous year in almost all its elements, although it was a nighttime exercise this year. Like in 2022, the exercise included a launch of a Yars missile from a mobile launcher in Plesetsk, a launch of a Sineva missile from the Tula submarine of the Project 667BDRM/Delta IV class from the Barents Sea, and launches of ALCMs conducted by two Tu-95MS bombers. (One of these bombers shown on the video, appears to be "68 red".)
The fall exercise is sometimes referred to as Grom (Thunder). However, no official name was announced this time. In 2022, the exercise took place on 26 October 2022.
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