At the end of 2007, Russia was estimated to have 702 strategic launchers that could carry up to 3155 nuclear warheads. This is about 40 launchers and 130 warheads fewer than Russia had in the beginning of the year. The reductions are the result of the normal process of removing old systems from service and replacing them with new ones.

The key development in the Strategic Rocket Forces was the continuing replacement of Topol/SS-25 missiles by their SS-27/Topol-M successors. Three mobile Topol-M missiles were deployed in Teykovo and four silo-based were to be deployed in Tatishchevo. In addition to that, Russia began liquidating the the UR-100NUTTH/SS-19 division in Kozelsk - the first regiment of ten missiles was removed from service in 2007. Overall, the number of deployed missiles was reduced from 489 to 452 and the number of warheads attributed to them - from 1788 to 1677.

An important development of 2007 was the series of two flight tests of a MIRVed version of Topol-M. The missile, designated RS-24, will probably be deployed some time after 2009.

In 2007 the Russian Navy got a bit closer to receiving the long-awaited Yuri Dolgorukiy submarine of the Project 955 class - the submarine was reported to leave the dry dock. But the missile that this submarine will eventually carry appeared to encounter some problems in flight tests. It is unlikely that Yuri Dolgorukiy will begin service earlier than 2009-2010.

The number of sea-launched ballistic missiles that are counted as operational and the number of warheads associated with them remained virtually unchanged since last year - 172 SLBMs with 606 warheads.

Russia's strategic bombers made quite a few headlines this year, following the decision to resume their regular patrol flights, announced in August 2007. Since then the bombers have indeed been on patrol almost continuously. It should be kept in mind, however, that the bombers do not carry nuclear weapons during these missions.

There were no changes in the number of bombers - 15 Tu-160 and 64 Tu-95MS. However, Russia reports only 14 Tu-160 bombers in its START declaration and the data on the current status of the Russian force take this into account. The 78 START-accountable bombers can carry up to 872 long-range cruise missiles.

In 2007 Russia took some steps to maintain its space-based early-warning system. It now has two satellites on highly-elliptical orbits and one geostationary satellite. The early-warning radar network lost the radars in Ukraine - Russia moved to discontinue its cooperation agreement with Ukraine. The new radar in Armavir, which is supposed to close the gap, will probably begin operations in 2008.