It seems that it was only at the last moment that the United States and Russia decided to withhold specifics of the agreement on security of Russian nuclear materials discussed in Bratislava. According to the unedited version of the joint statement, posted on the Kremlin web site (apparently by mistake - it has been promptly corrected), it was intended to be more detailed. It specified that by July 1, 2005 the Russian ministry of defense will complete a list of the facilities that need upgrades, so visits to assess security of these facilities could begin by December 2005. The agreement was supposed to specify that security upgrades will take place at four Rosatom nuclear weapon serial production facilities as well as at the 12th Directorate storage sites. This work is supposed to be completed by 2008.

It is likely that all these measures are still there and they just didn't make it into the public statement. Given the unusual sensitivity to these questions in Russia, withholding this part of the agreement from the public was probably the right thing to do. If only someone thought to let the Kremlin webmasters know...