What a difference a year makes - since the last update in August 2013, we now can see three more early-warning radars - in Yeniseysk (Voronezh-DM), near Barnaul (Voronezh-DM), and near Orsk (Voronezh-M).
The Yeniseysk radar covers very much the same sector that was supposed to be covered by the old Daryal radar that was built nearby in the 1980s. The radars in Barnaul and Orsk look almost directly South.
Here is an updated Google Earth file that shows locations of the new (and old) radars and the sectors they cover.
Great Work Pavel! Thanks!
BTW: could you integrate (sometimes in a future update) the (still active) Sary Shagan Radar Don-2NP and Neman-PM?
And what about the Krim Station (Hen House or Dnestr-M) at Sevastopol. Is it active again under Russian Control?
As I understand, the radars in Sary Shagan are not normally used for early-warning or space surveillance. But it probably make sense to add them to the kmz file
I don't think the Sevastopol radar is recoverable. I doubt it will be brought back to service.
From the google file it seems they have 360°coverage with radars now? Am I right?They need to fix the satellite network now
In addition to already known and existing "Voronezh/-M/-DM/-VP"...
The Mints Award-2013 No.1 (in the nomination "For Science and Technology Achievements") is handed for "Development of the L-band receive AESA antenna-electronic block with wide-angle scanning as a part of the device 'Voronezh-SM'":
This new radar is mentioned also in the NPP Pyramida Company Annual Report-2013:
Another Voronezh... Like it's the only name there. Could it be some version of Voronezh-DM?
No more information is available. It is possible to assume the most different versions...
For example: whether the "SM" abbreviation as the "Samolyot-M" index is deciphered?
And whether it is going to be deployed in Chekhov on the Dunay-3U site?
to bernd reuter:
Actually the Sevastopol radar is destroyed:
In recent years Ukraine repeatedly declared intention to dismantle it:
Russia officially declared modernization of the Crimean Space Communication Center only:
That's an intriguing possibility. I doubt it's "Samolyot-M", though.
But I won't be surprised to such... Let us wait and see.
to bernd reuter:
Now the main Russian MoD newspaper after all claims that the Sevastopol Dnepr "will be modernized":
However I trust in it a little (especially as in that article there are many other inaccuracies...).
Considering the Dnepr actual conditions to construct there the new Voronezh would be much cheaper (than "to modernize" the old) for Russian MoD. But taking into account existence of the new Voronezh-DM in Armavir it doesn't make sense because the Armavir radar covers much bigger sector of space:
Theoretically there is one reason: to base in the Crimea the meter-band Voronezh-M (or -VP) radar as together with the decimeter-band Armavir Voronezh-DM it give more opportunities on detection and tracking of targets... (???)
The Yeniseysk radar photo of September 29, 2014:
In Barnaul installation of antennas is finished:
Nice to see the arrays at Barnaul and Eniseisk nearing completion. With the Orsk array in the pipeline, it seems they sure want their southern flank covered. Correct me if I'm wrong, there are also plans for Voronezh arrays at Olenogorsk and Pechora?
Minister Shoigu: the Orsk radar for the first time aired in January, 2015.
That was pretty quick. They are getting really good in building these things.