The commander of the Strategic Rocket Forces, Sergei Karakayev, speaking to RVSN veterans today announced that service life of Topol missiles will be extended to 25 years and the missiles might stay in service until 2019.
The numbers suggest that the Topol missiles were deployed in 1994. I always though that it was 1992, but it may we be that some were deployed as late as 1994. The last time service life of Topol was extended after a launch on October 28, 2010, to 23 years. After the most recent Topol launch that took place in September 2011, the Rocket Forces announced that it "confirmed" the 23-year service life.
No surprise. It will likely be extended again provided there are no problems with the missiles, as they can't replace them all by 2019.
Why not, Feanor?
Equal numerical replacement of 170 x Topol is around 6 batteries of RS-24 (170÷3÷9). It took about 10 years to equip an equal number of Topol-M batteries.
Even if the promised doubling of missile production does not occur, it shouldn't be much trouble to replace most of Topol missiles with RS-24 by the end of the decade. With increased missile production, they can probably even halve the replacement time.
Why are you dividing by 3 and by 9? Also... what it a battery? Iirc they are organized into regiments and divisions.
"Divizion" doesn't mean "division. "Divizion" means "battery". And yes, I messed up, I meant to say "regiment", not "battery".
1 mobile regiment = 3 batteries = 9 missiles (silo regiment = 2 batteries = 6 missiles). Each RS-24 carries 3 warheads. Hence 170÷3. Divided into 9 gives us ~ 6 regiments.
~10 Topol-M regiments have been deployed since 1997 (~8 silo + 2 mobile), so, that's about 3/4 of a regiment on average per year. 6 new regiments of RS-24 at the same pace = 8 years.
Pretty straightforward.
to artjomh В полку ШПУ ОС БРК 15П065 Тополь-М - 10 ПУ. Итого 5 полков на БД,6-й ставится.
Максим, раньше в полку РВСН было обычно 6 ШПУ или 9 ПГРК. Если опять изменили, то прошу прощения.
Но сути дела это не меняет.
to artjomh
Сути дела это,конечно,не меняет:) Насчет ПГРК-Вы абсолютно правы. По БРК с ШПУ ОС...ЕМНИМ-БРК 15П065 (как и 15П060) создавался на базе БРК 15ПОЗ5. Последний во всех 4-х дивизиях (Хмельницкий,Первомайск,Козельск,Татищево) имел по 10 ШПУ на полк. 6 или 10 ШПУ на полк имели/имеют БРК 15П018/15П018М. За остальные БРК с ШПУ ОС не помню..Если у Вас иные данные-поделитесь, пожалуйста, инфой:)