On May 20, 2011 at 18:50 MSK (14:50 UTC), the K-84 Ekaterinburg submarine of the Project 667BDRM class successfully launched a R-29RM Sineva missile. The launch was performed from a submerged submarine deployed in Barents Sea. The Navy reported that all warheads reached their intended targets at the Kura test site in Kamchatka.
Previous Sineva launch took place less than a month ago, in April 2011, from the same submarine.
A report about a Sineva launch appeared in online publication Navy.ru on May 18, 2011. It appears that that report described the launch that actually took place on May 20th. The early release of the information may suggest that the launch was originally scheduled for May 17th, but then was postponed.
UPDATE: Makeyev Design Bureau reported that it was a launch of a Liner SLBM.
So, why a second test launch if the first one was successful?
Perhaps the K-84 Ekaterinburg was testing another configuration of the Sineva missile? Different warhead package? Different trajectory? It does seem such a test is unusual, or, at the least, out of the ordinary. I wonder if the Ekaterinburg had returned to port after the April 2011 test? If she remained at sea, that might explain best the two test launches. In that scenario, the Kremlin might have been testing communication systems and crew training for the Project 667BDRM class boat as well as the Sineva.
However, without a definitive explanation from the Admiralty, the before mentioned AFP article is as good of an opinion as any.
Frank Shuler
20 мая 2011 года в 18 час. 50 мин. мск. по программе государственных летных испытаний (тема «Лайнер») с борта стратегической атомной подводной лодки Северного флота «Екатеринбург» был произведен успешный пуск межконтинентальной баллистической ракеты «Лайнер» из акватории Баренцева моря по боевому полю «Кура», расположенному на полуострове Камчатка.
Пуск произведен из подводного положения. Все системы ракеты и ракетного комплекса в процессе предстартовой подготовки, старта и полета ракеты функционировали нормально. Боевые блоки ракеты прибыли на полигон в установленное время и в заданные точки прицеливания. Задачи пуска, предусмотренные полетным заданием, выполнены. При пуске БРПЛ «Лайнер» подтвержден высокий уровень выучки экипажа подводной лодки. Командир подводной лодки – капитан первого ранга Игорь Степаненко.
БРПЛ «Лайнер» разработана ОАО «ГРЦ Макеева и изготовлена ОАО «Красноярский машиностроительный завод».
My russian is no good but what is this "Lajner" their talking about....
heard rumors that on Tuesday 28th there will be another SLBM launch of 'Bulava' from TK-208 "Dolgoruky '.
The launch can probably be watched live on the website of the Russian defense ministry.